By the looks of this photo you might think this was taken at SBP but we weren't fooled here at MCPOD. You can tell by the heavy chalk cloud and the dingy lighting this is Stone Gardens Ballard. That is just one strong baby getting her Sunday pull on... and we aren't talking diapers in this case.
And the Oscar for "Best Idea for a Humor Post" goes to Becca for "Have V get on a hold so we can show everyone how easy the grades are at SG"
Day also picked up "Best Tag in a Supporting Humor Post" for "Dave Kimber"
Sam was nominated in 2 categories but failed to take home an Oscar this year.
Well now. It's clear that the crimp she's holding onto is a massive jug for her tiny fingers! Probably more like V2+ for her. I also note that she's looking at what she may consider to be a reasonable 'next hold', but that shit is PINK yo! NOT RED! No dabbing lil' V, or Day will surely come down on you with the Stoney G's Wrath of Righteousness and Indignation of Potential Soft Grades!