Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Top 100 Boulder Problems in the US

Interesting to note that of the 100 best problems in the US(or at least by the geezers at Urban Climber) there are a handful of lines and their conquers that made the cut in the Pacific North West. The kids that made the list....

#75 WAS V8 Johnny Goicoechea
#62 Coffee Cup V10 Joel Campbell
#57 All of the Above V 13 Johnny
#36 The Practitioner V12 Herman Feissner (2010 video with The Practitioner and Coffee Cup)
#29 Five Star Arete V6 Bob Buckley (The 5 star boulder got a special shout)
#24 The Sleeping Lady V2 Kyle O'Meara

These problems are way to hard to make the MCPOD list but good on ya NW strongboys for pulling your weight. Now back to the hang board so I can finally put down Silvers Slippers. Oh and if you are into lists here's another good one more NW related.

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Scene

Haven't seen the newest from Chuck Fryburger but his last flick was good. Nice to see more geezers moving to HD and shooting with the Red One.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Boys who spent their weekends making banana nut muffins did not, as a rule, excel in the art of hand-to-hand combat.

It’s a shame to only get in one day of climbing over Labor day but I’m going to chalk this year up to it being too hot. I did make it out to Gold Bar with the usual suspects on Saturday. It was nice in the forest but once we hit noon the humidity could be felt in every go. I made progress on Sliver Slippers getting all the way through the campus moves and then falling off again. Tony had some good goes on Doja.( I feel incredible short and extremely weak when I touch this problem) Steph sent Fern Crack for the first time and Micah found out that climbing hard in the gym the night before going to Gold Bar can be somewhat taxing.

Steph Fern Crack

I also climbed my new favorite problem which came at the recommendation of Johnny G. It’s just to the right of Lighten Up. The 25 foot or so right side arĂȘte of a huge split makes a swanky warm up and as Johnny put it there right where you want them all the way up. It’s right in my range at v0 and should the height get to your fragile dome you can always just step back.

Swanky Arete

The Season

I ran onto this a few days ago. This episode of the Season covers a NW local on the mend. I'm sure I've run onto Anya before or maybe at the gym. Anyway a good way to kick off Thursday...