Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Gold Bar in March 2013

A few pics from a short trip to Gold Bar last weekend with Tony, Sam, Kyle and Gray Ghost Tank. The journey begins here....

ARCO F#$% Yourself

Scenes from the rapiest little convenience store just down from Rieter Rd. Love this place for Combos and Ninja Swords

 Was it March or mid summer in Gold Bar last weekend?

 Kyle poppin his out door groove

Tank getting in on some warm ups

 Kyle goes big on his first ascent outdoors. Welcome to the club buddy! You'll be getting your official Me Climb Pretty One Day shirt in the mail in the next 4 to 6 weeks.

Tony... Never stops cracking me up

Every time Sam climbs an angel gets... oh shit man whatever hommie sweats like Phoenix in July on that hike up. Open the gates dudes this business is forcing me and all my old geezer friends to get in shape

Kyle doing a five star Me Climb Pretty One Day spotting job for Sam. Who brought the FNG?

As Tony pointed out the inner sanctum of a Metolious pad looks like an inner sanctum

 Tony on a classic 5 star MCPOD favorite "Beam Me Up" V2 with an old man factor or 1.

KB getting in on the action

 Sam closing deals like a Wall Street Boss

The fat one doesn't deserve a picture although 3 of us got to the throw in about 2 goes each. Major progress for this group of serious climbers.